Do you know the benefits of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)?
While some investors like to pick their own individually stocks, statistically their overall returns tend to be lower than someone who invests in a mutual fund or ETF. Listen to today’s episode to learn what to look for in choosing an ETF and how to use them effectively.
Long-investors who want to hedge their bets may find that investing in ETFs is the answer to having a stress-free portfolio.
Download a free resource that outlines the key components of ETFs.
Download free resource: How to Choose ETFs and Have a Stress-Free Portfolio
August is “How to Make Money in the Stock Market Month” on The Goldstein on Gelt Show
The month of August is How to Make Money in the Stock Market Month. Every episode this month will feature ways to invest in the stock market.
If you’re not already receiving updates on new episodes, sign up now, and as a special bonus, receive Doug’s free ebook The Retirement Planning Book.