How to receive an inheritance

Ron Zalban estate taxes
Ron Zalban September 23, 2021

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If a loved one recently passed, do you know what you need to do to claim your inheritance?

Israeli law requires heirs to have a transfer certificate to claim an inheritance. What is a transfer certificate? Where can you get one? Today’s guest has the answers…

Ron Zalben, a partner at Aboulafa Avital Shrensky & Company, has extensive knowledge of estate tax laws and transfer certificates. Getting a certificate can be a tedious process, but it is necessary to claim or transfer any assets. Ron explains how someone receives a transfer certificate.

Have you recently received an inheritance?

If you received an inheritance that included a beneficiary IRA account, in order to avoid needless taxation, you need to open a U.S. brokerage. Doug explains why it is essential to find a cross-border brokerage firm.

If you need a little help getting your inheritance paperwork form in order, here is a free checklist to keep you on track.

Download free resource: Inheritance Paperwork Form

Buy a copy of Doug’s latest book The Inheritance Book and send Doug a copy of the receipt to get free access to a replay of his recent webinar on “How to Use and Manage an Inheritance”.

Ron Zalben can be reached at 02-6294272 or at He is also available on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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